Hail Satan!! buhaha!
This post is about something related to how social networking sites have affected our lives. From HI5, Orkut, Facebook, Myspace to Twitter, It’s spreading everywhere!Even Mallika sherwat figured out how to use twitter to expose globally! And it’s turning more Men into perverts! Don’t believe me? Then Check out this online chat conversation! This is not like those 55er posts like those in other blogs because I am too lazy to even count the words. So you can call this whatever you want! Here goes!
Two perverts chatting between two continents
stud_swamy84 : dude I can’t access orkut
sooper_iishtar1986 : who cares about orkut man..i dont use it nowadays
stud_swamy84: how come man??
sooper_iishtar1986: well..i dont see anyone scrapping me nowadays
stud_swamy84 : hehe..i think tht "any one" might have got married to someone else.
sooper_iishtar1986: well..tht might be a reason as well.
stud_swamy1984: oh dear lord..wht will we do now???
sooper_iishtar1986: dude does that mean we all should think about getting married ??
stud_swamy1984: ya that’s sounds brilliant.......errr....then will u tell
Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to me and studswamy84 is also purely coincidental and if you still think that its me…then all I have to say to is…you have 30 seconds to leave this blog immediately or be ready to face your ultimate doom! And ya..No animals were hurt during the making of this post so far….So don’t make me do it if you are planning to stay here longer than the above said time limit!
Trust me crap book really helps u hehe!! Raaakesh...keep up the good work!! I really loved it!
I agree.. am so over Orkut and facebook n all that. Ditched Hifi (or whatever that was) aeons ago.
BTW your blog is awesome.. I love the color and background.
@weirdo jyothi
Ok can u tell me how it helped u exactly?
did it turn u into pervert?
@weirdo avdi
hey thanx for dropping by! Welcome to my weird world.But i gotta admit , these sites did help me find some old friends. :)
I am happy to know tht u liked the color & background.I chose this one coz I am a die-hard fan of the simpsons.All the credit goes to pysam.com and the simpsons. :)
Dont even come near my house after I get married, you Satan !!
Your arnt worried about your readers at all !! and I like that style of writing of yours :D :D :D
ROFL :D Gr8 looking blog ;) ... some gr8 writing too :P
@ weirdo vimmuuu
What made you think that it was me!!
I am innocent! :(
I repeat
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental
@ weirdo Swaram
Welcome to weird world Swaram!
How can the blog not be good looking?
when we have the *evergreen* everyellow Homer simpson as my official(ahem ahem) mascot! I will try to write more! hehe
Keep visiting! :)
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